I'm on the bus right now, on my way home to an empty apartment. Irini is on vacation in London with her mother, so I have to watch two mailboxes, two apartments and possibly a house with two cats later this week. Anyway, I'm kinda looking forward to spending some days alone, I think it will do me good, and Irini. Not that we have problems, but we kinda have to learn how it is to spend time apart, 'cause if we are staying together for as long as we think, and getting the jobs we're aiming for – we won't get to spend everyday and all time together.
Also, it'll be much better to see each other after such a long time apart (it's a fucking week, grow up!). And not to mention the sex we shall have when she returns!
Anyway, this isn't supposed to be about our private life. It's supposed to be about my private life! I saw Yes Man yesterday – one of the most hilarious films I've seen in a long long time. Won't say anything else about it. You have to see it!

A picture from Yes Man.
I found out today, that I've been using WAY too much money on games. That kinda sucks. We're now talking about games that aren't mainstream and hyped, games that I won't buy on release, games that people don't know about, games like Dragonball Z, Conan, Folklore and such as (ha-ha). I've been spending 600nok (approx 60GBP) on each game I've bought. I've heard people talking about this site (even Irini) called Play.com. But I've never taken a look at it – that is, until today! I was sitting with my mouth wide open looking at the prices and the text saying “Free Delivery”. It was amazing, it was like paradise for poor gamers, I spent an hour just looking at games and prices. So awesome. My pants literally formed a tent.
And the good news today (except getting my bitch to London) – I get two days off work this week, possibly two and a half if I'm a good guy and work hard (which I always do). Not sure if I'm going to get home and babysit the cats for mother, or if I'm staying in Molde just to chill out and eat lunch with Rose (yeah, the guy that's no longer SECRETLY in love with me). We'll see when that time comes around.
By the way, I might have mentioned some of this shit in an earlier text, but don't be scared, they aren't the same, and all of them are worth reading (at least I think so).I think I mentioned something about a RAVE PARTEY too. And also I promised some friends to join them in getting drunk this weekend, and that we could get drunk at my place. I'm not so sure about that, I hate when people get me drunk by no stopping me from pouring liquor down mu throat. Anyhow, we'll see when the time comes. I know these people, and they won't ask me about anything until the day the actual drinking is taking place, often after the shops are closed. And they don't read my blog, so I don't really give a rats ass.
I'm considering to visit Osckars grave this week/weekend too. A very good friend of mine that died in a car accident on new years eve. Not much has been the same since. I don't want to write more about it though, makes me sad just thinking about it.
Have a nice “until-the-next-time-you-read-something-new-on-this-blog” then!

- Pingu