… are a rare sight.
I'm on the bus right now, on my way home to an empty apartment. Irini is on vacation in London with her mother, so I have to watch two mailboxes, two apartments and possibly a house with two cats later this week. Anyway, I'm kinda looking forward to spending some days alone, I think it will do me good, and Irini. Not that we have problems, but we kinda have to learn how it is to spend time apart, 'cause if we are staying together for as long as we think, and getting the jobs we're aiming for – we won't get to spend everyday and all time together.
Also, it'll be much better to see each other after such a long time apart (it's a fucking week, grow up!). And not to mention the sex we shall have when she returns!
Anyway, this isn't supposed to be about our private life. It's supposed to be about my private life! I saw Yes Man yesterday – one of the most hilarious films I've seen in a long long time. Won't say anything else about it. You have to see it!
A picture from Yes Man.
I found out today, that I've been using WAY too much money on games. That kinda sucks. We're now talking about games that aren't mainstream and hyped, games that I won't buy on release, games that people don't know about, games like Dragonball Z, Conan, Folklore and such as (ha-ha). I've been spending 600nok (approx 60GBP) on each game I've bought. I've heard people talking about this site (even Irini) called Play.com. But I've never taken a look at it – that is, until today! I was sitting with my mouth wide open looking at the prices and the text saying “Free Delivery”. It was amazing, it was like paradise for poor gamers, I spent an hour just looking at games and prices. So awesome. My pants literally formed a tent.
And the good news today (except getting my bitch to London) – I get two days off work this week, possibly two and a half if I'm a good guy and work hard (which I always do). Not sure if I'm going to get home and babysit the cats for mother, or if I'm staying in Molde just to chill out and eat lunch with Rose (yeah, the guy that's no longer SECRETLY in love with me). We'll see when that time comes around.
By the way, I might have mentioned some of this shit in an earlier text, but don't be scared, they aren't the same, and all of them are worth reading (at least I think so).I think I mentioned something about a RAVE PARTEY too. And also I promised some friends to join them in getting drunk this weekend, and that we could get drunk at my place. I'm not so sure about that, I hate when people get me drunk by no stopping me from pouring liquor down mu throat. Anyhow, we'll see when the time comes. I know these people, and they won't ask me about anything until the day the actual drinking is taking place, often after the shops are closed. And they don't read my blog, so I don't really give a rats ass.
I'm considering to visit Osckars grave this week/weekend too. A very good friend of mine that died in a car accident on new years eve. Not much has been the same since. I don't want to write more about it though, makes me sad just thinking about it.
Have a nice “until-the-next-time-you-read-something-new-on-this-blog” then!
- Pingu
Monday, February 23, 2009
I'm not sure if everyone has gotten it in their heads yet, but I have moved back in with Irini, and therefore I have to update my list of games, I haven't gotten around to do that yet - guess I'll have time today, since Irini left for London.
Just wanted you all to know.
Just wanted you all to know.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Ok, I seriously don't know what's wrong with me today. I really feel like writing, and I've started using pictures. The reason to why I'm writing one more text today is that I forgot to mention some shit in the previous text. Oh, and I also forgot to call y'all dipshits!
Now that that's out of the way I can carry on. At the moment I'm on the bus, listening to The Black Mages (metal versions of Final Fantasy music, and Nobuo Uematsu is actually in the band!). It's awesome music, if people have the same taste in music as I have (which I doubt, 'cause my taste in music is FUCKED up. I can listen to everything, I just have to be in the correct mood. But usually it's metal, or something combined with metal, like Final Fantasy music, Irish drinking music or even classical pieces.
This is The Black Mages!
Anyway, some of the stuff I forgot to mention in my previous text (which was also posted today, and which you should also read). I've gotten around to see the new GTA IV downloadable content. I can't remember the name, but you're a biker and you own a gang (kinda get a flashback to San Andreas). There are of course standard GTA missions, but also now a whole new feature: GANG WAR! ..oh, wait, fuck, they've already done that, in GTA San Andreas. Well, I thought it was fun then, so I think it's awesome now! Also, I like killing people.... in GTA.
The main character in the GTA IV expansion!
I didn't get to follow so much on the story though, as I watched The Host at the same time as a friend of mine played. But I saw enough too see that I would have liked it if I were to buy GTA IV on the Xbox 360. That's doubtful though, as I have it on the PS3 system (and my guess is that when Rockstar see how much profit they make out of this, they'll release it for the PS3 too)!
Damn I like this music. Right now I'm listening to “Maybe I'm a Lion” from Final Fantasy VIII. And that reminds me – FFXIII (or Final Fantasy 13) might be pushed forward to 2009 again! Holy crap, my pants exploded in exciteness (yeah, I know it's not a word dipshit, so fucking what?) when I heard that! I'm really looking forward to it after all the videos I've seen. Since the series has kept a high standard from start to, well, now – my guess is that they will continue doing that.
Today I was supposed to get home to an apartment that looked like Hiroshima (just after the A-bombs fell), but I got a phone call from Irini, she said she's cleaned most of it, only the dishes left, and I can do that!
Zero Punctuation (my favourite game reviewer @ http://www.escapistmagazine.com) reviewed SKATE 2 today. And the only thing I really want to do now is get home, get my jeans of, get into something more comfortable, get my pizza in the oven, turn on my PS3 system, start SKATE 2, and just roll with it 'til bedtime! But no, guess what – I have to fucking raid today, 'cause I couldn't join last night. “Too many mages online.”, bullshit I say, it's probably just 'cause I have an STD. And they cleared the whole fucking Naxx in one night of course. So I really have to join tonight. I really want to play SKATE 2 today.
Next week I only have a three day week too, that's awesome, though it sucks 'cause Irini's in London looking up schools. So I'm all by my self, alone, lonely, in an apartment, an apartment to myself, all alone in a nice apartment.... RAVE PARTEY!
I've also applied for school this year. Me and two of my best friends in Molde. And today I found out that Lars (my fellow writer over at Stierbumsenscheisse) has applied for the same school! Do I smell a comeback? Man, think of all the great stuff we can test! Think about it, where at school again, 20 hours a week. And the school consists of ALMOST only girls (well, jailbait, to be precise).
So, I'm halfway home, bored as fucking hell (don't know how that's possible at all, but whatever). I don't think I have more on my heart now. I would really like it if people startet reading my blog. Kinda sucks to know that only a few people actually know about me. I mean, since I'm an awesome writer and such.
- Pingu
Now that that's out of the way I can carry on. At the moment I'm on the bus, listening to The Black Mages (metal versions of Final Fantasy music, and Nobuo Uematsu is actually in the band!). It's awesome music, if people have the same taste in music as I have (which I doubt, 'cause my taste in music is FUCKED up. I can listen to everything, I just have to be in the correct mood. But usually it's metal, or something combined with metal, like Final Fantasy music, Irish drinking music or even classical pieces.
This is The Black Mages!
Anyway, some of the stuff I forgot to mention in my previous text (which was also posted today, and which you should also read). I've gotten around to see the new GTA IV downloadable content. I can't remember the name, but you're a biker and you own a gang (kinda get a flashback to San Andreas). There are of course standard GTA missions, but also now a whole new feature: GANG WAR! ..oh, wait, fuck, they've already done that, in GTA San Andreas. Well, I thought it was fun then, so I think it's awesome now! Also, I like killing people.... in GTA.
The main character in the GTA IV expansion!
I didn't get to follow so much on the story though, as I watched The Host at the same time as a friend of mine played. But I saw enough too see that I would have liked it if I were to buy GTA IV on the Xbox 360. That's doubtful though, as I have it on the PS3 system (and my guess is that when Rockstar see how much profit they make out of this, they'll release it for the PS3 too)!
Damn I like this music. Right now I'm listening to “Maybe I'm a Lion” from Final Fantasy VIII. And that reminds me – FFXIII (or Final Fantasy 13) might be pushed forward to 2009 again! Holy crap, my pants exploded in exciteness (yeah, I know it's not a word dipshit, so fucking what?) when I heard that! I'm really looking forward to it after all the videos I've seen. Since the series has kept a high standard from start to, well, now – my guess is that they will continue doing that.
Today I was supposed to get home to an apartment that looked like Hiroshima (just after the A-bombs fell), but I got a phone call from Irini, she said she's cleaned most of it, only the dishes left, and I can do that!
Zero Punctuation (my favourite game reviewer @ http://www.escapistmagazine.com) reviewed SKATE 2 today. And the only thing I really want to do now is get home, get my jeans of, get into something more comfortable, get my pizza in the oven, turn on my PS3 system, start SKATE 2, and just roll with it 'til bedtime! But no, guess what – I have to fucking raid today, 'cause I couldn't join last night. “Too many mages online.”, bullshit I say, it's probably just 'cause I have an STD. And they cleared the whole fucking Naxx in one night of course. So I really have to join tonight. I really want to play SKATE 2 today.
Next week I only have a three day week too, that's awesome, though it sucks 'cause Irini's in London looking up schools. So I'm all by my self, alone, lonely, in an apartment, an apartment to myself, all alone in a nice apartment.... RAVE PARTEY!
I've also applied for school this year. Me and two of my best friends in Molde. And today I found out that Lars (my fellow writer over at Stierbumsenscheisse) has applied for the same school! Do I smell a comeback? Man, think of all the great stuff we can test! Think about it, where at school again, 20 hours a week. And the school consists of ALMOST only girls (well, jailbait, to be precise).
So, I'm halfway home, bored as fucking hell (don't know how that's possible at all, but whatever). I don't think I have more on my heart now. I would really like it if people startet reading my blog. Kinda sucks to know that only a few people actually know about me. I mean, since I'm an awesome writer and such.
- Pingu
"This is so exciting!"
So, it's been a while. Well, there's been a lot of stuff going on. Or, not really, but there have been time consuming stuff going on.
First of all, I was kicked out by Irini (she refuses to call it kicking out, but I kinda like the sound of it) one Saturday, 'cause she was going to have a girl party. Anyway, I accepted and made plans myself. Called a friend of mine, we call HIM: Rose. He said yes, 'cause he's secretly in love with me, which isn't a secret any more, 'cause I just posted it on the internet!
Anyway, I packed the stuff I thought I would need and drove all the way to Rose. Figured we'd see a film or two after a delightful dinner made by his mother. The first film we saw was “Battle in Seattle” which was about a HUGE protest against an even LARGER world organization. The film was very touching, and it showed how fucked up the world really is – so to everyone out there who thinks the world is a good place, see that film.
A picture from "Battle in Seattle".
The other film we saw was some kind of Hostel-ish film, can't remember the name at the moment. It was okay, seen better.
After the films we decided to take an IQ test (I have no idea how we figured that out) together. We got a pretty good score, way over average. Then we started discussing IQ, logics and reasons. I found out something really interesting that night; EVERYTHING has a reason, no matter what, nothing happens without a reason. Now, don't you go misunderstanding me, this is no religious reason, or no “because if it didn't happen the world would end”-reason. Take for instance, I was going to prove to him that not everything happens for a reason, so I punched him. But before I got to say anything, the word “FUCK” jumped out of my mouth (it sounds kind of random when I tell it now). I figured I'd punch him without a reason, but then again, the reason I punched him was to show him there was no reason! You get my drift? Probably not.
Other exciting stuff that has happened? Well, I've been sick for about a week. No idea how to spell this in English, but the doctors suggested that I had “Akutt Tonsilitt”. I looked it up on google and figured out it was some bacteria in my lungs. I got some antibiotics for it and took the cure all the way out. Couple of days ago Irini called me while I was on my way home – and guess what – we had Chlamydia. We're on a cure right now, so we should be fine any time now. But fuck – two antibiotics treats in a week? That's a new record for me being sick.
Antibiotics (looks almost like the ones I was on).
Gaming news, I bought Fable 2 (Xbox 360), Gears of War (Xbox 360), God of War Chains of Olympus (PSP), Prince of Persia (PS3), Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle-Cars (PS3), Burnout something something (PSP) and another copy of SKATE 2 so that me and Irini can play onlie with/against each other. Skate 2 is awesome.
Some of the games I've gotten this last period.
I think that's about all the exciting shit that has happened to me lately. If anyone knows anything else, please tell me. I'm back at work, feeling almost great. I've cleared all of the Wrath of the Lich King raid content. I've spent too many hours sleeping when I could have been gaming – the usual stuff.
Oh, I almost forgot I saw the most awesome rubbish English dubbed Korean horror film yesterday!
I recommend it to no one, 'cause it sucked, but I also recommend it to everyone, 'cause the acting and the dubbing was insanely funny to watch, and the story was actually quite good. This film is called "The Host" (2006).
- Pingu
First of all, I was kicked out by Irini (she refuses to call it kicking out, but I kinda like the sound of it) one Saturday, 'cause she was going to have a girl party. Anyway, I accepted and made plans myself. Called a friend of mine, we call HIM: Rose. He said yes, 'cause he's secretly in love with me, which isn't a secret any more, 'cause I just posted it on the internet!
Anyway, I packed the stuff I thought I would need and drove all the way to Rose. Figured we'd see a film or two after a delightful dinner made by his mother. The first film we saw was “Battle in Seattle” which was about a HUGE protest against an even LARGER world organization. The film was very touching, and it showed how fucked up the world really is – so to everyone out there who thinks the world is a good place, see that film.
A picture from "Battle in Seattle".
The other film we saw was some kind of Hostel-ish film, can't remember the name at the moment. It was okay, seen better.
After the films we decided to take an IQ test (I have no idea how we figured that out) together. We got a pretty good score, way over average. Then we started discussing IQ, logics and reasons. I found out something really interesting that night; EVERYTHING has a reason, no matter what, nothing happens without a reason. Now, don't you go misunderstanding me, this is no religious reason, or no “because if it didn't happen the world would end”-reason. Take for instance, I was going to prove to him that not everything happens for a reason, so I punched him. But before I got to say anything, the word “FUCK” jumped out of my mouth (it sounds kind of random when I tell it now). I figured I'd punch him without a reason, but then again, the reason I punched him was to show him there was no reason! You get my drift? Probably not.
Other exciting stuff that has happened? Well, I've been sick for about a week. No idea how to spell this in English, but the doctors suggested that I had “Akutt Tonsilitt”. I looked it up on google and figured out it was some bacteria in my lungs. I got some antibiotics for it and took the cure all the way out. Couple of days ago Irini called me while I was on my way home – and guess what – we had Chlamydia. We're on a cure right now, so we should be fine any time now. But fuck – two antibiotics treats in a week? That's a new record for me being sick.
Antibiotics (looks almost like the ones I was on).
Gaming news, I bought Fable 2 (Xbox 360), Gears of War (Xbox 360), God of War Chains of Olympus (PSP), Prince of Persia (PS3), Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle-Cars (PS3), Burnout something something (PSP) and another copy of SKATE 2 so that me and Irini can play onlie with/against each other. Skate 2 is awesome.
Some of the games I've gotten this last period.
I think that's about all the exciting shit that has happened to me lately. If anyone knows anything else, please tell me. I'm back at work, feeling almost great. I've cleared all of the Wrath of the Lich King raid content. I've spent too many hours sleeping when I could have been gaming – the usual stuff.
Oh, I almost forgot I saw the most awesome rubbish English dubbed Korean horror film yesterday!
I recommend it to no one, 'cause it sucked, but I also recommend it to everyone, 'cause the acting and the dubbing was insanely funny to watch, and the story was actually quite good. This film is called "The Host" (2006).
- Pingu
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Am I the only one who hate taking the bus?
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