About this blog!

This blog will be all about me, what I like, what I don't like and what ever I want it to be about. It will be updated when I want to update it and I will only write about stuff that is in my interest to write about.

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European PS3 news and reviews - TheSixthAxis

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Ok, I seriously don't know what's wrong with me today. I really feel like writing, and I've started using pictures. The reason to why I'm writing one more text today is that I forgot to mention some shit in the previous text. Oh, and I also forgot to call y'all dipshits!

Now that that's out of the way I can carry on. At the moment I'm on the bus, listening to The Black Mages (metal versions of Final Fantasy music, and Nobuo Uematsu is actually in the band!). It's awesome music, if people have the same taste in music as I have (which I doubt, 'cause my taste in music is FUCKED up. I can listen to everything, I just have to be in the correct mood. But usually it's metal, or something combined with metal, like Final Fantasy music, Irish drinking music or even classical pieces.

This is The Black Mages!

Anyway, some of the stuff I forgot to mention in my previous text (which was also posted today, and which you should also read). I've gotten around to see the new GTA IV downloadable content. I can't remember the name, but you're a biker and you own a gang (kinda get a flashback to San Andreas). There are of course standard GTA missions, but also now a whole new feature: GANG WAR! ..oh, wait, fuck, they've already done that, in GTA San Andreas. Well, I thought it was fun then, so I think it's awesome now! Also, I like killing people.... in GTA.

The main character in the GTA IV expansion!

I didn't get to follow so much on the story though, as I watched The Host at the same time as a friend of mine played. But I saw enough too see that I would have liked it if I were to buy GTA IV on the Xbox 360. That's doubtful though, as I have it on the PS3 system (and my guess is that when Rockstar see how much profit they make out of this, they'll release it for the PS3 too)!

Damn I like this music. Right now I'm listening to “Maybe I'm a Lion” from Final Fantasy VIII. And that reminds me – FFXIII (or Final Fantasy 13) might be pushed forward to 2009 again! Holy crap, my pants exploded in exciteness (yeah, I know it's not a word dipshit, so fucking what?) when I heard that! I'm really looking forward to it after all the videos I've seen. Since the series has kept a high standard from start to, well, now – my guess is that they will continue doing that.

Today I was supposed to get home to an apartment that looked like Hiroshima (just after the A-bombs fell), but I got a phone call from Irini, she said she's cleaned most of it, only the dishes left, and I can do that!

Zero Punctuation (my favourite game reviewer @ http://www.escapistmagazine.com) reviewed SKATE 2 today. And the only thing I really want to do now is get home, get my jeans of, get into something more comfortable, get my pizza in the oven, turn on my PS3 system, start SKATE 2, and just roll with it 'til bedtime! But no, guess what – I have to fucking raid today, 'cause I couldn't join last night. “Too many mages online.”, bullshit I say, it's probably just 'cause I have an STD. And they cleared the whole fucking Naxx in one night of course. So I really have to join tonight. I really want to play SKATE 2 today.

Next week I only have a three day week too, that's awesome, though it sucks 'cause Irini's in London looking up schools. So I'm all by my self, alone, lonely, in an apartment, an apartment to myself, all alone in a nice apartment.... RAVE PARTEY!

I've also applied for school this year. Me and two of my best friends in Molde. And today I found out that Lars (my fellow writer over at Stierbumsenscheisse) has applied for the same school! Do I smell a comeback? Man, think of all the great stuff we can test! Think about it, where at school again, 20 hours a week. And the school consists of ALMOST only girls (well, jailbait, to be precise).

So, I'm halfway home, bored as fucking hell (don't know how that's possible at all, but whatever). I don't think I have more on my heart now. I would really like it if people startet reading my blog. Kinda sucks to know that only a few people actually know about me. I mean, since I'm an awesome writer and such.

- Pingu


Lars said...

/w me if you making a raveparty.

Pingu said...

Will do.

Pinng said...

I also hope they release the GTAIV content for PS3. I bet Microsoft bribed Rockstar to only realese it for them. Now that's bullshit.

Pingu said...

Or maybe MS threatened to buy Rockstar if they didn't release it for Xbox only!

I actually have no idea why it's only on the 360. Kinda sucks.