This are new Final Fantasy game(s) for the PS3 (and unfortunatley the Xbox 360) and the PSP/cell phones. At the time being there are three games coming out in this series - Final Fantasy XIII (PS3 and X360), Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3) and Final Fantasy Agito XIII (PSP and Cell Phones).
I was gonna do a really huge fucking article about this. Then I figured - fuck it. I'll just post some pics and write what I know. Enjoy!

So, these are pictures of a female character of Final Fantasy XIII. She is the main character and she's called "Lightning". She is supposed to be suffering from memory loss and is a real bitch, she never smiles when meeting new people and she's always straightforward and mostly rude. She lives in the flying city of Cocoon. Cocoon is at war with Pulse, and Lightning is in (possibly leading) the group that is to stop the invasion from Pulse. The story is way to complex to explain on a blog, you should buy the game when it gets here.

This guy (which I like to call Afro) is named "Sazh Katzroy". There isn't really too much information about him. He looks quite random actually. I guess the little bird is a Chocobo baby or something that is his companion. He is also supposed to be playable from the start of the game - maybe he is Lightnings "friend" or "mentor" or something? Exciting.

This fella was named "33 cm" at first, at least outside Japan. The reason for this was that in an interview with one of the people at Square Enix it was mention 33 cm, but no one was sure what it stood for since it was in japanes (my first thought was that his penis was that long). Apperantly it's the size of his feet. He is supposed to be this big motherfucker with the shotgun. He is called Snow in FFXIII, though I doubt that is his real name.

This cute gal is named "Vanille". She is also a character of FFXIII. I don't know much about her though, only thing I think I know is that she uses a bow to kill enemies with. And she's cute.

This cute little fella is known as "Carbuncle". I don't think he has been seen since FFIX. He is a creature that has to be summoned. These creatures has been called a lot of things throuh the history of Final Fantasy, for example Aeons, Summons, Espers, Guardians etc. I call the gods though. This little guy is an expert on "green" or "protective" magic and shields the party with defensive spells.

This fiery guy is known as Ifrit. I think he is one of the gods that have been in most Final Fantasy games. As you might have guessed he is the master of fire spells. I also think he lives in hell, since when you summon him, most of the times he comes out of the ground.

This is Siren, she hasn't been part of too many FF games, last I now about is VIII. She playes on the harp, and my guess is that she silences the enemies (preventing them from using magic).

This is supposed to be the most beautiful of gods. She is the master of ice, and has been around for at least almost as long as Ifrit. Her name is Shiva. In this game though, Square decided to be asses and give her a sister. Together with this sister she becomes a fucking transformer and transform into a motorbike. Way to go Square, if you screw this up, many young boys will lose their favourite god. Shiva has been awesome and beautiful in all FF games. I don't see how transforming her into a bike will maintain that status.

Here are some pictures that show how the UI will look in battle. You can't really get too much out of it, but it doesn't hurt showing it to you. From what I've heard, Lightning fights many battles alone, and not often in a party, but party fights will also be going on in FFXIII.

Some pictures of the characters together. I have no idea how they know each other or what they do together, and why they do it. I guess that's one of the mysteries we solve when we buy and play the game. Lightning does look like a leader, and Afro looks like a good friend of her. I don't know how she could have friends or lead anything since she has a memory loss though. But as I said, mystery's solved when we buy and play the game.

Some pictures of the landscape, just to show you how good it will look, and how much variety there'll be. Now I know that three pictures isn't enough, but I don't have more at the moment, and I can't be arsed to find more either. So shut up, look at the pictures and go "Nice!". Thank you.
Well, that's Final Fantasy XIII for you. You're probably sick of looking at pictures of Final Fantasy now, and reading my random texts under the pictures, well - guess what? I don't give a fuck, we still have two more games to go!

This handsome emo looking guy is the main character of Final Fantasy Versus XIII (or at least I think he is). Final Fantasy Versus XIII is not set in the future, nor the past. It's more like a NOW kind of setting to the game. They called this character "The Prince" until they eventually came up with a name for him. His name is Noctis (which means "night" on latin or some shit). Anyway, the setting in this game is more dark than ever, it's all about the darkness in this game.

Now, this lovely lass was named "Skirt" by the audience, before we got to know her real name. The name of this lass is "Stella". Way to use your imagination Square. Well, at least she's hot!

This I guess, is the crew on FF versus XIII. I don't really know the names of anyone else than Noctis and Stella. The guy with the glasses looks awesome. In these pictures the world doesn't look like such a dark place though. There are much less information about FF versus XIII than FFXIII out there. Anyway, it looks cool, and it's this game that is exclusive on the PS3, for now.

These pictures shows us a little bit of the land you will see in Versus XIII. It looks dark, don't it?
That's all for Versus XIII. As I said, there isn't too much information about it yet. Well, only one game to go now wanker, then you can comment!
Final Fantasy Agito XIII:

This game is for the PSP and Cellphones. I don't really have any information at all. The blonde guy is supposed to be the main character, and he goes to a school. The two people on the picutre above are probably people in your party. This game also has something to do with cards. My guess is that you are a student, and you use cards for magic and stuff. But I have no idea.
EDIT: I got an update, the cards are just the weapon that can be used, so it isn't a card game.

These pictures show some of the landscape in FF Agito XIII. As you see there is a school, but it does look like you can travel outside of the school too. I still don't get the cards though. Hopefully it's just a mini-game, like we had in FFIX.
Now you know what I know (actually, I probably know more, but I won't write much more). A few more pictures and I'm all done.

This is five pages from a Playstation Magazine (can't remember which one though). It's all about Final Fantasy XIII. If you are interested you should read it. I think the pictures go big if you click on them.
Well, that's all for now. Latest update about FFXIII that I have, is that they are working their asses of to release it in 2009. Let's hope they make it!
- Pingu
Fuck you! =)
*gledeseg* :D
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