Final Fantasy XIII on Xbox 360
Final Fantasy XIII extended trailer in english
Final Fantasy XIII japanese (with english subs)
See, I told you they were brilliant! We also learnt that they are aiming for a spring 2010 release (at least in the US).
Anyway, enought about boring crap that you don't give a shite about. As the headline says - summer is coming, and there's nothing I can do about it. It's not as bad as I thought though, because guess what - I've taken up aggressive inlining again! I call it skating though. We actually have a pool and some boxes and ramps in this small little town I live in. I'll get some pictures of it when I'm there next time.

I'm not as good as I used to be at this, but I still enjoy skating around, I love to jump and drop in to the pool etc. A couple of years back I actually almost managed to get some air to, resulting in me falling and bashing my head in the pool. I think that was my last run before I stopped.
I have regular blades too. I haven't used them in a while, but I'll put them on as soon as the sun is back up. I'd love to run through the centre of town on my blades again, can't wait for the weekend.

On monday (which was the first day I went out on my blades in about two years) I managed to rip open my wound from the surgery, so I still have to take it a little easy, but in a couple of weeks I'll get as good as I was a couple of years ago. And this time I ain't quitting!
- Pingu
i used to skate(board) before. but all the nasty headplants and getting the board in the crotch made me quit.
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