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This blog will be all about me, what I like, what I don't like and what ever I want it to be about. It will be updated when I want to update it and I will only write about stuff that is in my interest to write about.

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European PS3 news and reviews - TheSixthAxis

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Third night in Sweden

I'm drunk while writing this, so fuck you!

TheBard got four phone numbers to four girls betwen 2/10 and 5/10 (and now I'm being nice), so maybe we can get something going.

The third night in Sweden I had some trouble with my stomach, so I decided to take it easy, since nothing is going on anyway. TheBard got drunk on rum, and the rest of us just watched some movies (Postal, Pride and Glory and Max Payne).

We had a chill night and nothing happened.

- Pingu

(seriously, beer is a lot different in Sweden than it is in Norway)


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