About this blog!

This blog will be all about me, what I like, what I don't like and what ever I want it to be about. It will be updated when I want to update it and I will only write about stuff that is in my interest to write about.

Blog archive and games list down to the right on the site.

European PS3 news and reviews - TheSixthAxis

Friday, September 11, 2009


So, yeah. I don't know how to say this - but I'm sorry. Since Sweden I've been a lazy ass good for nothing slowpoke. After the fourth night in Sweden I was so much on the move that I didn't really have time to sit down and write anything about what happened. But a lot did happen. But I think that only those who were there will remember. I am really sorry for not having updated.

Later time, I haven't really been to any good parties or had the chance to talk to women I don't already know. Hopefully that changes when I get some income.

Mainly I just wanted you all to know that I am sorry for not updating, and inform you that I am still here, and I will still update - I just need some new material!

- Pingu


Lars said...

Shame on you, Pingu! Maybe i should update my blog too.

Pinng said...

It's too late.
We all hate you now.
Good bye.

Pingu said...

Well, I don't really care if you like me or hate me or what not, I don't even know what I care about, I think as long as people read and comment I feel good.

Sadly, no one does.

My plan is to only start writing abstracts from parties.

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