Monday, March 30, 2009
Chest pains and what not.
Tuesday I was feeling fine and back at work, Wednesday I got really freaky chest pains and was short on breath and kinda dizzy. I was on my way to work when it happened, so I got a friend to come get me and drive me to the doctors. First I talked to him and explained, he told me to go lie down on the patient bench (or whatever it's called). He started pushing my back really hard, and it kinda hurt. Didn't really help on the chest pains.
I had to fill up four vials with blood (still haven't heard anything about them), and also I had to take an ECG, but my heart was fine. I didn't feel well so I stayed home.
Today I got chest pains as I was on my way to work again, this time I got all the way to where I work and went to the doctors here. And guess what – I have some kind of infection in my chest, and it hurts like hell. Still does. I got some pills, so we'll see if they help. Also did another ECG today, my heart is still fine.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A couple of weeks ago, I was coming home from work early. Very early in fact. I also got some days off. I think this was on a Wednesday, might have been a Thursday too, fuzzy memory. Anyway, I got a phone call from another good friend of mine. The time was around 7pm. He asked me if I wanted to come to Gule and get drunk. I hesitated 'cause I didn't have too much money at the time. Irini was in London with her mother, so I was kind of alone and bored (I hope my PS3 doesn't read this). Then my good friend (Anders) reminded me that I had lots of alcohol lying around at home, so I figured: “What the hell, why not?”.
I packed one of these bags you can buy so that you don't throw away/burn plastic bags. I got in my car and called a friend of mine I was supposed to meet and told him plan was changed. Then I called this other friend of mine (who's a girl) and asked if she wanted to join me. My phone was fucked though, so I didn't get any information from her. I figured I could just stop by her house on the way, so I did, and I forced her to join me to Gule.
When we got there, the house was empty. We just walked straight in, filled up the refrigerator and began our quest to get drunk. I've actually written this in another post so I'll just skip ahead.
I was out talking to Ida (my friends girlfriend) about some stuff and she asked if I wanted to help her set up a surprise party for Magnus (her boyfriend, but my boy lover (she doesn't know)). It sounded fun and I was drunk so I probably agreed. We spent some time thinking about who to invite, what to do and where to do it. Finally the plan was made.
I went to Gule this Friday to visit my father. He looked like he was doing good considering his condition. I brought some people with me (Irini and Vegard (my girlfriend and another good friend of mine)) too. We met up with Ida and some other people who was helping out and started decorating the locale we had rented for the weekend. We also met up with some friends of Magnus and planed how to kidnap him and bring him to his own party (of course, we couldn't do this without pizza, so we met them at a place that sells pizza).
Saturday came, and one of my drivers got sick unfortunately. So, I had to get in my car, meet up with the other driver an hour away from the party and pick up people, this went well, pulled some e-brakes and drove on some red lights, no biggie. And got the people to the party two hours before Magnus was supposed to arrive. Ida was at his place keeping him busy (I wonder how).
The time came when I was to go on stage and tell people the rules. This went well in my opinion, I like being the centre of attention, and I think I did a good job (of course, nobody will agree, but fuck you).
We got at text message that they where bringing him in in 30 seconds, so we had to be quick and line up. Everyone was quiet. Not a sound was made. Ida struggled like hell to get his blindfold off. Finally we could all yell “SURPRISE” and see the tears in his eyes (damn, I'm going for poetry here). He wasn't too happy to begin with, but after a few beers and a little liquor he was doing fine! We had a most awesome night, and I can't wait to get a hold of the pictures. We had girl on girl action, we had male strippers (I was one of them, I actually started it), we had drinking games and we had music! It turned out to be one of the most awesome nights ever. Ida and Magnus even had this moment where they were all alone on the dance floor, easy music and lights all over them. Damn, that moment even turned me gay for 5 minutes.
The very best part was that Magnus had NO IDEA WHATSOEVER about what was going on.
I'll update with pictures as soon as I get a hold of them, I promise. If you think I'm slow – blame Ida. (I apologize for not using pictures here, but I can't be arsed to paint anything myself).
Friday, March 20, 2009
Pokemon, and what not.
Anyway, my point was supposed to be: I'm not going to write a review about Pokemon. At least not yet. They are awesome games though, and the series are good too. Only thing missing is a real film, with real people and a game like the ones on game boy, only for the next-gen console. Jesus, I would get a hard-on for that.
I put Pokemon on hold though. I found an amazing PSX/PSone emulator. I also got a hold of Final Fantasy IX. I mean it, I've missed this game so fucking much. It is pure awesomeness. I may write a review if I complete it, but don't get your hopes up.
Who am I kidding, what the hell else can I write about? There's nothing exciting going on with my life, I work, I play and I fuck. There you have it, my day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year and so on.
Have a nice day fuck-o! (got the word “fuck-o” from Army of Two, hell I laughed in that cut scene).
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Fizzbin (copied and pasted)
I found this on the internet today, and it's an ingenious idea, spread the word, maybe we actually can make it come true?
This is a short post, but I think it's important. Let's make it a movement. Digg it, leave a comment, Reddit it. Start using it.
We need a word that says "I know tech" when you're on the phone with tech support, you'd just say "Fizzbin" and they'd know.
I hate that 5 minute to 5 hour long "ramp up" when I'm on the phone with any kind of technical support as they realize that we both know what we're doing. Or at least, one of us does.
"So, click the start menu...type C M D and press enter. Tell what you see?"
I propose that "Fizzbin" skips that first hour. I don't like feeling like it's an ego thing. I don't want to have to say, "Hey, I kind of know this stuff, can we kick it up a notch?" I don't like explaining that YES, I've checked the cable, and YES, I have tried resetting the modem.
I'd like my tech support experience to go like this:
"Hi, Internet Tech Support...what's your issue?"
"You have an IP?"
"No. Your DHCP isn't passing out IPs. Am I banned?"
"Looks like your MAC is xxxx, you've been running a torrent?"
"Yes, I'll stop."
"Cool. You're un-banned. Fizzbin."
"Sweet. Catch you later."
Fizzbin. It's like pressing "0" at the automated teller prompt, but for geeks.
This idea is brilliant, spread the word people.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Hernia and what not.
Enough about that though. I had some friends over in the evening, we played some Soul Calibur 4 and drank a few beers, no biggie. Saturday Vegard came to visit, we bought beer (a lot this time) and had a really fun night! Up to ten people in one of the smallest apartments.
That's it for today, kind of tired and stuff.
Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention, me and Irini played some LEGO Indiana Jones co-op. I have to admit, it was rather fun. Even though I don't like LEGO games.
Friday, March 13, 2009
In this show, two of the main characters have a "slapbet", this means that they bet on stuff, and whoever wins, gets to slap the loser one time anytime he wants to, and the loser can't say anything. It can be public so that everyone can see it, it can be while he sleeps, it can be while he's concentrating real hard on something, it can be anytime. Random.
Well, me and Irini was bored one day, so we decided to start "sexbets". We bet on stuff, and the winner gets to have sex with the loser, anytime he/she wants to. BUT. Because we don't want it to be boring, we have rules. It cannot happen in the bed, and it's prefered it's not happening in our apartment. It can't be public either though. And by public I mean in the middle of the streets. If it's in a backyard at 5am then it should be fine (already done this two times).
The best part is, when the person wants to use the "sexbet-win" the other one CAN'T say no!
Just posted this here to give everyone the idea - and let me tell you: It's funny as hell!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I stole a challenge.
☆ Post a blog entry where you write 6 positive things about yourself!
☆ Add a picture of yourself that you like.
☆ Send the challenge on to 6 others.
Let's go!
Six positive things about myself:
- I'm awesome
- I'm awesome
- I'm awesome
- I'm awesome
- I'm awesome
- I'm FUCKING awesome!
This is all the pictures I have of myself:

Damn, that challenge was hard. Well, it's over now, and I'm still awesome!
Nostalgia for the win!

- Pingu
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
This one's for you, Pinng!

Type your name if it's not Pinng!
Getting an article written for you as one person, that is a big thing in my blog. To get me to write something because of YOU, that my friend, is not easy (unless you pay me). There are however ways to make this happen.
1. You have pissed me off, really bad (possibly by showing me your face).
2. You have impressed me with anything (Barely possible since I've seen it all).
3.You have done something retarded (like for instance: lived).
4. I just don't like you (skip this one, I don't like many people, which means I'd have to write about everyone).
5. I like you (one person in the whole wide world fits this one).
For the record, number 5 is impossible if your name is not Irini and you are not my girlfriend.
The reason I am contributing this article to Pinng, is that he showed a particular interest in my “quest to complete all my games for the PS3”. This is a goal I have given myself, and it's about the retail games, not the ones downloaded from Playstation Network. I started this quest a while back, and to be honest, I haven't focused on it at all. I have completed two games of the ones I've had for a while and not completed. Viking: Battle for Asgard and Folklore. Both games are good games, I just haven't had the time to complete them since new games come out all the fucking time.

Anyway, since I'm GREAT at buying new games, focusing on nostalgia trips and drinking beer, this quest is very hard for me. But, I won't give up. I have 5-6 games that I haven't completed yet, and hundreds on my wish list. And of course, some games are longer than others, some games are more fun than others, I've even played some of my games 5-6 times from start to end without even thinking about the games I have yet to complete.
Most of the people I know will think this article is boring. Fuck you. Most of the people I know don't even read this blog. Fuck you even more. And for those who actually read and comment, I suppose I like you, in some sort of retarded way. Don't get any hopes though, you are still far from number 5!

Some old hot chick saying "fuck you" to you! In Spanish!
Anyway, I also got questions about the reward for this quest. Since I am the one who came up with this quest, the logical rewards from myself to myself would be a good luxury masturbation while watching a good pornographic film with no anal. I really don't like anal. The most important thing is that there are lots of girls. Brunettes preferred, then redheads and then blondes. All shaved 100%. And... damn, I got carried away. Anyway, the reward is no such thing. The reward is pure and simple: nothing. I won't get anything from completing this quest. I will just have wasted lots of time on games that could've been better, on games that I don't really will feel like playing.

Nothing cost this guy 50 bucks, it will cose me a shitload of time!
So, the question everyone (or no one) is asking themselves: “Then why the hell is he doing this? Is he fucking retarded or something?”. First of all, I am not retarded, you are. I do this because I want to, because I don't like to give up (“I WON'T GIVE UP!”), because I don't like being half-done with stuff.
I hope this satisfied Pinng's mind. I am sorry if it didn't but then you could always watch some porn, with lots of girls, and sex, and no anal and... crap, it happened again.
Now, this is a SOCCER team!
- Pingu
Irini is back from London, she bought BioShock and Sonic Unleashed there, so I've been playing a lot lately. I also started on FarCry 2 (finally) and it's actually kind of awesome.
My quest for completing all games I have for the PS3 has really started now.
I completed Folklore the other day, and I recommend it to everyone that have it: Complete the game, the gameplay might not be awesome, but the story and the surroundings are breathtaking. I won't say more, but you will regret it if you don't listen to me.
Anyway, have a nice day dipshits!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
I cried and I came.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Monday morning.

Balto - Ida's dog (the most awesome creature in the world).
Anyway, we started drinking and the host (Ida) and her boyfriend showed up and joined. We emptied bottle after bottle with beer and liquor, we danced, we sang (Lips for the 360 sucks), we had great fun. We were only six people, but one hell of a gang that is! I spent the night there. The day after I got up early and drove Johanne to a meeting and went back to Gule. Sat down with my friends 360 and tried Tomb Raider Underworld. I didn't get to try it out too much, but the small bit I tried, it wasn't for me. I also tried Kung Fu Panda, which is as great as every other child games based on animated films. The multi player was great fun though!

Lips, Tomb Raider Underworld, Kung Fu Panda and Mass Effect covers.
I met up with my father and went for some “potato ball” (which is epic food here in Norway). After dinner we went back to the party place and my friend started Mass Effect. I've completed it (brilliant game) and saw that he was near the end. I forced him to play and he reached the last boss. He didn't really inflict any damage on the boss at all, so he just gave up.

This is how a potato ball dish looks like.
We decided that they were to come to my place and hang out. We went, picked up Johanne and got home. We played a little Guitar Hero, and I showed them Fable 2 and then they went home. I was kinda bored with Fable 2, since I've played it WAY to much the last time now. So I started Gears of War. I lost all track of time since Gears of War is a good game. And I completed the game the day after.

The crew in Gears of War.
The Friday was kinda chill. Logged on MSN and found out that a friend of mine that was going to join drinking on Saturday had nothing to do. I told him he could drag his ass and Eternal Sonata over to me. And he did. Eternal Sonata is probably the best JRPG for the PS3 system at this time, and it's awesome! After I completed Gears of War I continued with Blue Dragon. I got from Disc 1 to Disc 3 this weekend, and I know that I am close to the end now, so I just fly around and kill stuff. Also a friend of mine brought his N64 and Zelda :Ocarina of time. We had a real fun night with gaming and a film with Steven Seagal in it.

Two epic pictures from Blue Dragon.

From a fighting scene in Eternal Sonata.
Got up around 11-12 the day after, sat down and started playing again. Clock ticked, and we started to get hungry. We went to the store to pick up some food and beer (since we were going out drinking). We figured: What the hell, let's start drinking ASAP. Got home from the store around 2pm and started drinking. We drank and played games until around 7pm when we were picked up for the party we were going to. Way to many people bailed on this night, and they should regret, 'cause this was one of the most awesome nights in the history of drinking! (You know who you are!).
Kept drinking until 6am and went to bed. That's 16 hours of drinking, and holy fuck it was awesome. Too bad for you that I don't know the people who took pictures this night.
I usually get up around 10 am (I set the alarm even in weekends), but this Sunday I said “fuck you” to the alarm clock and slept until 2pm. Got up and started gaming. Didn't stop until around 12-1am and went to bed.

A picture of me, saying "fuck you" to the alarm clock!
This has been a random text, and the spelling and grammar surely sucks. But what the hell, it's Monday morning!