Balto - Ida's dog (the most awesome creature in the world).
Anyway, we started drinking and the host (Ida) and her boyfriend showed up and joined. We emptied bottle after bottle with beer and liquor, we danced, we sang (Lips for the 360 sucks), we had great fun. We were only six people, but one hell of a gang that is! I spent the night there. The day after I got up early and drove Johanne to a meeting and went back to Gule. Sat down with my friends 360 and tried Tomb Raider Underworld. I didn't get to try it out too much, but the small bit I tried, it wasn't for me. I also tried Kung Fu Panda, which is as great as every other child games based on animated films. The multi player was great fun though!

Lips, Tomb Raider Underworld, Kung Fu Panda and Mass Effect covers.
I met up with my father and went for some “potato ball” (which is epic food here in Norway). After dinner we went back to the party place and my friend started Mass Effect. I've completed it (brilliant game) and saw that he was near the end. I forced him to play and he reached the last boss. He didn't really inflict any damage on the boss at all, so he just gave up.

This is how a potato ball dish looks like.
We decided that they were to come to my place and hang out. We went, picked up Johanne and got home. We played a little Guitar Hero, and I showed them Fable 2 and then they went home. I was kinda bored with Fable 2, since I've played it WAY to much the last time now. So I started Gears of War. I lost all track of time since Gears of War is a good game. And I completed the game the day after.

The crew in Gears of War.
The Friday was kinda chill. Logged on MSN and found out that a friend of mine that was going to join drinking on Saturday had nothing to do. I told him he could drag his ass and Eternal Sonata over to me. And he did. Eternal Sonata is probably the best JRPG for the PS3 system at this time, and it's awesome! After I completed Gears of War I continued with Blue Dragon. I got from Disc 1 to Disc 3 this weekend, and I know that I am close to the end now, so I just fly around and kill stuff. Also a friend of mine brought his N64 and Zelda :Ocarina of time. We had a real fun night with gaming and a film with Steven Seagal in it.

Two epic pictures from Blue Dragon.

From a fighting scene in Eternal Sonata.
Got up around 11-12 the day after, sat down and started playing again. Clock ticked, and we started to get hungry. We went to the store to pick up some food and beer (since we were going out drinking). We figured: What the hell, let's start drinking ASAP. Got home from the store around 2pm and started drinking. We drank and played games until around 7pm when we were picked up for the party we were going to. Way to many people bailed on this night, and they should regret, 'cause this was one of the most awesome nights in the history of drinking! (You know who you are!).
Kept drinking until 6am and went to bed. That's 16 hours of drinking, and holy fuck it was awesome. Too bad for you that I don't know the people who took pictures this night.
I usually get up around 10 am (I set the alarm even in weekends), but this Sunday I said “fuck you” to the alarm clock and slept until 2pm. Got up and started gaming. Didn't stop until around 12-1am and went to bed.

A picture of me, saying "fuck you" to the alarm clock!
This has been a random text, and the spelling and grammar surely sucks. But what the hell, it's Monday morning!
2 words for ya mon'
I know, I've never liked Zelda either.
Partying all night... !
Awesomely drawn picture btw ;)
Was a nice all-nighter too - lots of great fun!
It is, isn't it?
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