Type your name if it's not Pinng!
Getting an article written for you as one person, that is a big thing in my blog. To get me to write something because of YOU, that my friend, is not easy (unless you pay me). There are however ways to make this happen.
1. You have pissed me off, really bad (possibly by showing me your face).
2. You have impressed me with anything (Barely possible since I've seen it all).
3.You have done something retarded (like for instance: lived).
4. I just don't like you (skip this one, I don't like many people, which means I'd have to write about everyone).
5. I like you (one person in the whole wide world fits this one).
For the record, number 5 is impossible if your name is not Irini and you are not my girlfriend.
The reason I am contributing this article to Pinng, is that he showed a particular interest in my “quest to complete all my games for the PS3”. This is a goal I have given myself, and it's about the retail games, not the ones downloaded from Playstation Network. I started this quest a while back, and to be honest, I haven't focused on it at all. I have completed two games of the ones I've had for a while and not completed. Viking: Battle for Asgard and Folklore. Both games are good games, I just haven't had the time to complete them since new games come out all the fucking time.

The two games I've completed since I started this quest.
Anyway, since I'm GREAT at buying new games, focusing on nostalgia trips and drinking beer, this quest is very hard for me. But, I won't give up. I have 5-6 games that I haven't completed yet, and hundreds on my wish list. And of course, some games are longer than others, some games are more fun than others, I've even played some of my games 5-6 times from start to end without even thinking about the games I have yet to complete.
Most of the people I know will think this article is boring. Fuck you. Most of the people I know don't even read this blog. Fuck you even more. And for those who actually read and comment, I suppose I like you, in some sort of retarded way. Don't get any hopes though, you are still far from number 5!

Some old hot chick saying "fuck you" to you! In Spanish!
Anyway, I also got questions about the reward for this quest. Since I am the one who came up with this quest, the logical rewards from myself to myself would be a good luxury masturbation while watching a good pornographic film with no anal. I really don't like anal. The most important thing is that there are lots of girls. Brunettes preferred, then redheads and then blondes. All shaved 100%. And... damn, I got carried away. Anyway, the reward is no such thing. The reward is pure and simple: nothing. I won't get anything from completing this quest. I will just have wasted lots of time on games that could've been better, on games that I don't really will feel like playing.

Nothing cost this guy 50 bucks, it will cose me a shitload of time!
So, the question everyone (or no one) is asking themselves: “Then why the hell is he doing this? Is he fucking retarded or something?”. First of all, I am not retarded, you are. I do this because I want to, because I don't like to give up (“I WON'T GIVE UP!”), because I don't like being half-done with stuff.
I hope this satisfied Pinng's mind. I am sorry if it didn't but then you could always watch some porn, with lots of girls, and sex, and no anal and... crap, it happened again.
Now, this is a SOCCER team!
- Pingu
To everyone else reading this: I'm poor, so i certainly did not pay Pingu to do this.
About the numbers, it all boils down to number 3.
I've done stuff.
Yeah... O.O <--<<
(after "Yeah..." you will see a "smiley" with an arrow to show where in the text it is. The so called "smiley" I have made for you means "OMG" or "I am shocked! -look". And it is meant for you as a reader to use in real life, not myself, because "smilies" just isn't my thing.)
I'm just waiting for my own number 5, but until then I will do some... fuck, who am I kidding, ALOT of porn watching, with or without anal. It's all about the daily mood.
One of us has watched too much Zero Punctuation, cause reading the text I imagine it said in Yahtzee's voice. It's hilarious!
btw, in your face, I'm #5!!!
Yahtzee is a great source of inspiration, I have to admit.
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