This weekend was a fun one. It started out with me visiting my doctor on Friday. Turns out, I need surgery. I have hernia. I won't go into detail about it, so if you want to know more you're going to have to google it. It's not dangerous, it's just unpleasant. I don't know when the surgery is yet, but it's not too far into the future. I'm not looking forward to it in any way, since it's my first surgery and all. Luckily it's not a big one. From what I've heard it takes 20-40 minutes. I won't get to sleep though, I only get spinal anasthetization (I have no idea if this is correct, but that's what the translation site gave me), so I will be awake during the whole thing.
A fairly good illustration of hernia.Enough about that though. I had some friends over in the evening, we played some Soul Calibur 4 and drank a few beers, no biggie. Saturday Vegard came to visit, we bought beer (a lot this time) and had a really fun night! Up to ten people in one of the smallest apartments.
Soul Calibur 4.Sunday was just chilling. Played Soul Calibur 4, unlocked all characters and played it until I got sick of it, changed to beat the last boss in Blue Dragon, but figured out I saved in the middle of some random maze, so fuck that. Me and Irini watched the newest episode of Two and a half men. Then we watched The Dark Knight. Which was actually a good film.
The Dark Knight poster.That's it for today, kind of tired and stuff.
Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention, me and Irini played some LEGO Indiana Jones co-op. I have to admit, it was rather fun. Even though I don't like LEGO games.
Soulcalibur 4 va no kjempearti da:D
Æsj. Jeg har forresten hatt navlebrokk da jeg var liten!
Soul Calibur IV er gøy, men når du sitter en hel dag og ikke får til det du prøver på så blir du fort lei.
Navlebrokk? Du slapp vel operasjon du da. Bra noen er heldig.
God bedring. Brokk hørtes ikke kult ut, ser ikke kult ut heller. Bli frisk!
LEGO-spill som er bra? :O *tviler*
Blir ikke frisk uten operasjon, venter på inkalling enda. Skal bli godt å få den bort og endelig klare å gå turer uten at det gjør vondt. Og hoste uten at det er ekkelt, og løfte vekter uten å forverre situasjonen.
LEGO-spill er ikke bra, det var kun litt morsomt å spille sammen med noen.
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