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This blog will be all about me, what I like, what I don't like and what ever I want it to be about. It will be updated when I want to update it and I will only write about stuff that is in my interest to write about.

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European PS3 news and reviews - TheSixthAxis

Sunday, July 12, 2009

First night in Sweden

People on the trip - Me (Pingu), Rose and TheBard.
People we are staying with - Nayya and her boyfriend (he's awesome but just here on weekends).

We arrived in Sweden around 6-7 am. We drove a few hours and stopped in a Karlstad to buy some liquor and beer. We bought loads of stuff and kept driving. Our GPS was retarded but we eventually found the place we are staying at. We arrived at 2pm and went out to buy some food and something to sleep on etc.

We got back at 5pm and started drinking beer (this beer is stronger than the norwegian shit we usually drink, and I'd been awake for at least 24 hours, driving most of them). I drank around 4-5 beers and was shitfaced. Everyone else in the car tried to get an hour sleep before heading out, but that didn't go very well.

I was sitting alone in front of the computer, trying to figure out if I knew any songs I wanted to listen to, suddenly the chest pains started, slowly spreading to my heart. Since I'm the nervous kind of guy and my family have stories of heart diseases, I told the people at the party and we called a nurse. I'm only 20 years old, so the chanses that something is wrong with my heart are small, but you never know. She told us to call an ambulance.

The ambulance arrived, they took my blood pressure, and it was a tad high (probably because I was nervous as hell). They told me to walk with them down to the ambulance. One of my friends [TheBard] was taking a bath, we yelled at him that me and Rose were going to the hospital, and he just went "ok". I think he was a tad tired and almost slept. Anyway, I get on the bed in the ambulance and they connect the ECG. Everything looks fine, but then he picks up the phone and tells the guy on the other end: "Something's wrong, the system won't start/restart properly". I don't really remember how the rest of the conversation went, but he started pushing on different places on my chest and it kinda hurt a little in the middle.

We arrived at the hospital and I was pushed in to room 3. They came, connected another ECG and I was told to just lay there. Rose was with me and kinda took pictures and stuff, I think he was bored. There were no hot nurses, so no fun to be had. Rose kept asking people what the numbers on the machines meant, but I don't think he understood the answers because they were in swedish.

After they were done with my second ECG I had to wait for the heart specialist. They couldn't get my ECG's from Norway, so they had nothing to compare it with, but it looked good. They still wanted to do some tests to check if there were anything else, and if they maybe had to make me spend the night in observation. Some fat nurse came in and stole some blood after using like 10 minutes to find a blood vein. She then stole three glasses of blood and said we had to wait an hours or so for the results. Since everything lookd fine on the machines I was moved out between some guy with a bad knee and some old guy/gal snoring.

I asked if I could go to the toilet and they said I probably could. I peed and went back to bed. I don't know if it was the position I was lying in, or something else, but my the area between my stomach and chest were hurting so I asked if they might know what it was, 'cause I had it a little when I was driving too. They gave me a little cup of something that looked like cum and tasted like chalk. I think it helped. Anyway, we were just lying there and looking at people running back and forht, listening to the sounds. It's my first time being drunk at the ER so it was kinda awesome, but a little boring.

I was doing everything I could to not fall asleep, since I had driven for many many hours and hadn't slept and drank beer earlier it was hard not to fall asleep. Eventually I got the results and they were all fine, the doctor said I shouldn't be driving as far as I did and have so few breaks. There is also probably something wrong with my lower back, so I have to go to a chiropractor. But my last doctor said it was wise to wait until I got back from Sweden, since it was going to hurt like hell for a couple of days after. Can't wait for that!

Anyway, I got the green light to go home, so we called a cab and sat down in the waiting room. There was a movie running, it was "Mars Attacks!", I haven't seen that film in ages, so I loved it, unfortunatley the cab driver came before the first face got melted. The cab driver didn't seem very smart, since he was asking how much I had to pay to get into Sweden and stuff. I was so dead tired at this point that I just answered as short as I could and tried to stay awake.

We got back to the apartment and rang the people to make them come open up, no one answered. We tried again, it was cold and raining and we really wanted to sleep. Finally an answer. Rose doesn't really understand swedish, but when the person who answer is halfway sleeping and halfway high and drunk, not even I can understand them. She got the message though, and sent her boyfriend to open up. I went to the bathroom and ate a yogurt (it was the only place with ligths).

I used my jacket as a pillow and fell asleep kinda fast. Nothing went as planned the first night, wonder what's gonna happen tonight.

Most of the stuff going on here is going to be filmed and an edited film will be uploaded on youtube and shown here and at forums.leiavmolde.net .

- Pingu

(Pictures will be added when Rose finds out how his cell vs. Windows 7 works)


Sideri said...

Dude, your first night sucked! Even I had a better time drinking yesterday. Hope it goes better for you guys the rest of the time so the trip isn't a total waste. I'm rooting for TheBard to get laid soon.

Unknown said...

We're talking bout TheBard as NewGamer right? Anyways, seems like our party blows, and our rocks.. totally.

I'm really considering taking up your english to my blog. It feels natural.

Unknown said...

..Typo there. I think u know which one. Sorry.

Pingu said...

Yeah, I got the typo. Anyway, first night was awesoem except for the ER. Hangaren is open, and it's awesome, the Fun Skate Park is also awesome. Skate-wise your missing out, party-wise, not so much - YET.

Anyway, I'll write about yesterday now.

Sideri said...

Awesome xD

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